Thursday, February 16, 2006

Army of one recruiting criminals and drug addicts.

The U.S. Army is apparently finding it more and more difficult to get even young and impressional kids who think the military is a video game to sign up, so they've decided to lower their standards a little bit.

The Baltimore Sun reports: "Last year, almost one in six Army recruits had a problem in their background that would have disqualified them from military service. In order to accept them, the Army granted special exceptions, known as recruiting waivers. In all, the Army granted waivers to 11,018 recruits in the 12-month period ending Sept. 30, 2005, or 15 percent of those accepted into the service that year. Those figures are up sharply from 2004, when 9,300 waivers were granted, or about 12 percent of those joining the Army.

There was a significant increase in the number of recruits with what the Army terms "serious criminal misconduct" in their background. That category includes aggravated assault, robbery, vehicular manslaughter, receiving stolen property and making terrorist threats, according to Douglas Smith, a spokesman for the Army Recruiting Command at Fort Knox, Ky."

I have an idea, why not go hunting for recruits in those boot camps for delinguints? I hear there's a particularly good one in Florida that really does a good job in simulating Abu Ghraib conditions. A 14-year old boy was beaten to death there just last week.

The Miami Herald reports: "The Bay County Boot Camp, where a 14-year-old boy may have received a fatal beating by guards, is one of Florida's poorest-performing juvenile camps and allows guards to use deadly force, chemical agents and pressure points to subdue kids, a committee of lawmakers was told Wednesday. Of the five juvenile camps in Florida, the Panama City facility is among the two that consistently graduate the highest percentage of youths who then commit another crime, or are convicted, within a year of release, according to Department of Juvenile Justice statistics.

A Florida State University criminologist...said boot camps are largely ineffective and inefficient..." Sounds like it's good enough for the Army work.


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