Monday, November 06, 2006

JOhn Kerry, botched Democratic victory. Again!

I have been trying to stay away from the election stuff lately because I'm just too nervous about the whole thing. But, this news really makes me quiver. The new Pew Research Center poll shows Republicans getting a boost in the waning hours before the polls open tomorrow.

"The new survey finds a growing percentage of likely voters saying they will vote for GOP candidates. However, the Democrats still hold a 48% to 40% lead among registered voters, and a modest lead of 47%-43% among likely voters."

This is down form just a few days ago when a generic poll showed voters more likely to vote for Dems by 53% to 38%. For this apparently we have John Kerry to thank.

"Sen. John Kerry's "botched joke" about the war in Iraq attracted enormous attention. Fully 84% of voters say they have heard a lot or a little about Kerry's remarks ? with 60% saying they have heard a lot. By comparison, just 26% say they have heard a lot about President Bush's statement that he will keep Donald Rumsfeld as secretary of defense until he leaves office in 2009. Most voters say Kerry's statement is not a serious consideration in their vote, but 18% of independent voters say it did raise serious doubts about voting for a Democratic candidate."

Hey that's just great! A month ago 90% of Americans had heard about Mark Foley and the GOP was paying a heavy price, but now that's ancient history. I'm thinking maybe sending John Kerry to Iraq for a long, long deployment might be the best strategy for the Dems at this point. I swear to God if we go to sleep tomorrow night with the GOP still in control of the House and the Senate . . .


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