Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Another plot foiled! Pizza store clerk new OBL!!!!

Oh boy, finally some good news for the administration and the DOJ -- all in one fell swoop! McGonzales the crime fighting lapdog may not know what's going on right under his nose inside his own office, but he's on the job when it comes to busting major terrorism plots like this! This wasn't any Sear's Tower-type plot where the suspects couldn't even get boots without the help of a paid FBI informant -- no siree, Bob -- these pizza store jihadis were going to take down Fort Dix with an RPG and an assault rifle! In the words of Jody Weis, a special agent in the Philadelphia FBI office, "Today we dodged a bullet. They were forming a platoon to take out an army." [Inquirer] Yeah, go FBI! [Ok, just a thought: How successful could these guys have been; a platoon against an army?]

In this case it turns out that the crime of the century, so far, was thwarted by an "unsung" employee at Circuit City in Mount Laurel, New Jersey, who got suspicious when he saw a video of the "7-11 Six" on a firing range yelling "Allahu Akbar!" Yes, the one big mistake these Whahabi -wannabes made was taking their jihadi VHS home movies to Circuit City to be transferred to DVD. Man, didn't you just feel that bullet whiz by?

Don't get the idea that these pizza store kamikazes weren't hardened criminals, perish the thought! According to the Inquirer, the alleged ringleader, Mohamed Ibrahim Shnewer, was a taxi driver who "had roosters that escaped and broken-down vehicles parked on the street" in front of his house. Shain Duka and his brother Eljvir (aka "Elvis"), both illegal immigrants (you know what that means!), had 19 points for moving violations on their driving records. Serdar Tatar, a Turk ( you know what that means!) had his driver's license "suspended many times and has 24 active points, records show." The FBI obviously just nabbed these guys in a nick of time.

The Inquirer reports that in recorded conversations Eljvir told the FBI's paid informant that the plotters would need a "fatwa" before they could "carry out the attack on Fort Dix." I'm sure that would have been forthcoming at any time. The worst thing of all, though, was that the plotters participated in paint ball games and played terrorist video games "in which U.S. military vehicles were attacked and the image of a Marine had his arm blown off." US Attorney for New Jersey, Christopher J. Christie, described this video session, recorded by the informant, as "despicable," recounting that the "room burst out in laughter" when the Marine was hit. Obviously, Mr. Christie has never seen 15-year old boys playing America’s Army.

The Inquirer reports also that the plotters practiced at a gun range with: "An SKS semiautomatic rifle, a Mossberg 12-guage pump shotgun, and a 9mm Beretta handgun." None of these weapons were theirs, of course, they were trying to obtain their weapons from the "cooperating witness," who told them he'd hook them up. What I'm wondering about, is why the US Attorney's office from New Jersey isn't concerned that these types of weapons are readily available in his state and that anyone can go to a firing range and use them? That's not an issue, I guess, especially in light of what happened in Blacksburg VA.

Shain Duka, according to the FBI's timeline, told the informant on March 10th, that "as far as people we have enough, seven people. And we are all crazy. That's what is needed:" And, naturally, tons of deadly weapons, which are easier to get a hold of than a clean needle or a condom in New Jersey.


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