Sunday, October 07, 2007

Gallaudet kids strike again!

AP reports:

"WASHINGTON (AP) — A group of students at a Washington high school for the deaf scrawled 'KKK' and swastikas on a black student's body with a marker while holding him against his will, police said Wednesday. . . [DC Chief Cathy] Lanier aid the attack began when two groups of students, one white, one black, were 'horsing around' in the dorms. The groups eventually separated, but the seven students took the black student and held him for about an hour. . . University officials would not say whether they had been disciplined, but in a campuswide e-mail Wednesday, Katherine Jankowski, dean of the center that includes the high school, said the seven were sent home."

Wow, an email is going to do it. Slap on the wrist, don't do it again and get on the short bus!

See this is the problem with Gallaudet kids, they get a pass every time. They have a hissy fit over the fact that their new president isn't deaf enough and hold the whole university hostage for a week and the board of governors buckles. Brats win again.

Now this. But I really don't think this has anything to do with racism or anything that serious. You know how little five-year olds always draw swastikas and Nazi planes bombing things? Well, this has more to do with that sort of thing. This is just another case of Gallaudet spoiled-brat arrested development.

Abraham Lincoln would be so proud!

Where are these kid's parents? Where's the adult supervision?


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