Thursday, September 28, 2006

Freedom fries are back!

Yesterday, 7-11 announced that its canceling its contract with Citco to provide gas at its stations. Citco, as we all know, is the American arm of Petroleos de Venezuela SA, the Venezuelan oil company. 7-11 says it's doing this because of Hugo Chavez' speech at the UN last week, but we all know its just a slimy PR move.

7-Eleven spokeswoman Margaret Chabris says, "Regardless of politics, we sympathize with many Americans' concern over derogatory comments about our country and its leadership recently made by Venezuela's president. Certainly Chavez's position and statements over the past year or so didn't tempt us to stay with Citgo." [AP]

Right, I'm so sure. This couldn't have more to do with the fact that 7-11 has been planning to sell their own brand of gas for over a year and just saw a good opportunity to make some PR hay, could it? How despicable.

The news of this move has promted right wingers and nut jobs to crawl out of from under their rocks to make some hay of their own. Florida congressman Adam Hasner has called for the state of Florida to end its contract with Citco at the state's 7 Turnpike rest stops. Hasner says, "We must send a clear message to Chavez, and the current government of Venezuela, that the state of Florida and our citizens will not support institutions that seek the destabilization of America and our institutions and freedoms." [NBC6]

Yes, calling W. some naughty names and giving 12 million gallons of cheap heating oil to the poor is destabilizing the country. Sure today it's cheap oil; tomorrow they'll want access to health care, good paying jobs and the the rich to pay their fair share. Where will it end?

Don Wildmon, of the American Family Association, has launched a boycott of Citco. "Regardless of your feelings about the war in Iraq, the issue here is that we have a socialist dictator vowing to bring down the government of the U.S. And he is using our money to achieve his goal." What part of the speech called for the overthrow of the government? I must have missed that. You W. is just the president, he's not the government. But it's all the same thing to these people.

I saw, 'right on Don Wildmon,' tell Hugo Chavez to take his 1.5 mm barrels of oil he sends to the US everyday and shove it. That'll show him! Let the Chinese have it and those thousands of Americans who work for Citco can go work at one of those new service sector jobs I've heard so much about.

Do you want freedom fries with that order?


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