Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Arlen Specter: The Viagra kicked in.

Looks like Senator Arlen Specter finally got his shipment of Viagra. He's been a little quiet of late. We haven't heard much from him since he knuckled under to Darth Cheney on the domestic spying thing. But yesterday he pulled his glasses off and gave W. a stern talking to: "I would suggest respectfully to the president that he is not the sole decider. The decider is a shared and joint responsibility." Whoa there Arlen, don't have a stroke! Though Specter broke ranks with his GOP colleagues to point out to the Decider that there is a constitution that gives Congress the power of the purse strings, Russell Feingold's insistence on hammering the point home was too much for him. According to the Inquirer, as Feingold summed up the days hearings, "Specter rose from his chair, collected his papers, and glared at his colleague until he finished."

"I thought the prepared remarks that he was reading saying what this hearing had found was a little presumptuous," Specter said. Apparently referring to the dose of Viagra, Specter said. "my patience was running thin . . . My shorts were getting a little tight." He really had to go. All the peace protesters applauding Feingold and the constitutional experts who presented "convincing" testimony that Congress can stop the war "if it wants to, " was just was too much for old Arlen.

Imagine being so presumptuous to think the voters had given Congress their marching orders in the November elections! Old Arlen wants W. to know Congress is still at the other end of Pennsylvania Avenue, but beyond that, he's not going to go nuts and do something like vote for a resolution that rebukes the president or, God forbid, cuts off funding for a war a majority of Americans want ended. No, no, Arlen wants to work with the president who doesn't want to work with him.

I think it might be time to give good old Arlen an early vacation. I'll see you at the polls in two years, Senator Specter.


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