Monday, March 19, 2007

Smoking Guns?

The countdown to Alberto "waterboard" Gonzales' imminent political demise is winding down. I think it's pretty much down to which day this week. I'm thinking maybe Friday after 5:00 PM?
The WaPo reports today that "the White House has already launched a search for Gonzales's replacement ." The way these revelations about Prosecutorgate are coming out, they'd better hurry.

I'm thinking this thing might blow up into something much more than just a few prosecutors being shown the door to make way for one of Karl Rove's handpicked hacks. What's got me thinking about this whole thing is the conspiacy theory the rightwingers have been pushing that Clinton fired all 93 federal attorneys when he came into office in order to get rid of one who "had dirt on him." Fire all 93 to hide the one you really want.

In this latest case, what if these 8 were fired to get rid of one in particular, one who was delving into some very troubling territory for some of Randy "Duke" Cunningham's fellow, as of yet, unindicted co-conspirators? Carol Lam, the prosecutor in San Diego, was about to lower the boom on Brent R. Wilkes and Kyle "Dusty" Foggo, two old friends from the Iran/Contra days.

Yesterday the WaPo reported:

"The U.S. attorney in San Diego notified the Justice Department of search warrants in a Republican bribery scandal last May 10, one day before the attorney general's chief of staff warned the White House of a 'real problem' with her, a Democratic senator [Feinstein] said yesterday."

Kyle Sampson sent an email to William Kelley in the White House counsel's office saying "Please call me at your convenience to discuss the following. [t]he real problem we have right now with Carol Lam that leads me to conclude that we should have someone ready to be nominated on 11/18, the day her 4-year term expires."

The real problem apparently might have something to do with Foggo's dirty dealings going all the way back to procuring protititues for congressman Jerry Lewis back in the Iran/Contra days, for startes.

Check out this Mother Jones article.

Can you say "smoking gun?"


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